Still, many others place priorities on things they think are more important than dating while the rest confesses that it’s just too difficult to date when one is over 55.

Dating after 55

Judging from positive contributions, the 55+ daters appear to be smarter when choosing a date partner. Speaking frankly, over 60 percent acknowledged that they make better choices now when compared to their younger ages. About 42 percent of senior daters said that they have better and quality dates at the moment and over 52 percent reveals that the most interesting part of dating in the 50s is the stress-free thought about meeting biological needs, which is a thing of the past. Many individuals need friends or life partners. And, over 80 percent of the 55+ daters take to the old fashioned ways to meet dates that may fulfill this choice. Many meet their dates through family and friends while one-quarter of the 55+ daters use seniors online dating sites. Involving in a date after 45 or 55 simply means taking full control over your love life just like you’ve always done the rest of your life. It means making reasonable and perfect choices. However, it needs just as much care as ever. The 6 Key guides for 55+ daters:

1. Never bond over your baggage

Bonding over baggage simply means going into too deep conversations at an early date. Trying to know everything about your date as to their past life experiences, what happened with their marriage or how online dating has been for them? Starting a date with awful ex-spouses date comparison may not really do much good for your date. Nothing positive can come from these topics so stay clear of them. If they worth talking about, it shouldn’t be at the first date. Keep them until you’ve known each other better

2. If he doesn’t call you, don’t call him

Especially for the senior women, please keep this in your mind. Yes, you had a great date and he promised to call you. You definitely want to see him again because the experience is unforgettable, but if he hasn’t called you when he promised to, don’t call him. This might be so tempting and I know this This might be so tempting and I know this quite well, but please don’t do it. Men know what and who they want much better than women do and this is categorically true for the senior men. He definitely won’t forget to call if he really meant it. I know your younger age at 25 would want to find everything out but this is a grown-up. He has enough time to call or show up if he desires to.

3. Sex is not the agenda

At 55, I know you are matured enough, competent and smart but the last thing you want to see is having back the memories of your 20s. The reason for your date at 55+ is not for sex but just for a good companion or life partners. Take care of yourselves by bringing up conversations where you share your wants and needs. A matured grown-up man or woman will appreciate and respect this kind of relationship. If your date is not satisfied with this, it’s better to cut it off as soon as possible or not even start one at all.

4. Check out three three things you like about your date

Their behaviors, their smiles, their fashion sense or how they put their kids in your discussions. Focus first on the positives and keep inquiring more about him before trying to see the negatives or why he is not OK for you. Starting with the positives keeps them open to reveal their true self but if you start with negatives, they may turn conservative hiding their true negative nature.

5. Flirt like a grown-up

It is very true that men like grown up women who flirt. Ensure to keep your body languages open, smile often and responsibly, play with your hair. Now here is the biggest flirt of all; compliment your man. Bring up your femininity at every date. This is what women have and what men desire most.

6. Be attentive and manage the conversation

Especially for the woman, take full control of the conversation and make sure it never diverts to unwelcome topics. Take the chance to talk about yourself in a meaningful way too. This is what he remembers when he walks away. You might not have a chance for a second date if you give him nothing to remember about you. Do you wonder why you should talk about yourself most? This is because you are better talking about self than him. If you can do this, you both will enjoy the date and have memories that call for a second chance. If you appear to your date as happy, open and charming as you always are, it brings out the best in him and ensures that you both have a wonderful time possible. Always keep in mind that there is something valuable to learn from every date. Featured photo credit: via