1. They are sexy

A single mother has a no-nonsense appearance when they deal with their children. However, these moms are also likely to get dolled up when they are asked out on a date. Single mothers are all-rounded with sexy lips and clothes. They know how to let loose when they are given the chance, as it rarely comes their way. Strada (a single mother) said that she can’t wait to feel sexy after dressing up.

2. She knows her sexual desires

The single mothers out there know what they want, and they are not afraid to show it. A single mother who has already gone through a divorce or a failed relationship has already done some soul searching. This makes her know where she went wrong in her relationship, making her less likely to avoid making the same mistakes again. The single mom is likely to have strong sexual desires that will increase intimacy in the relationship. The single mom knows what she wants from experience. When she commits to a relationship, it has to be worth the risk. She gives her partner confidence because they’ll know how valued they are.

3. She is committed

The single mom is not there to experiment because she already did that when she was single and without a child. The time for playing games is over. All she wants is a serious man to spend her life with. Single moms know when it is time to be beautiful when going out on a date, and when to be busy in the kitchen playing her “mommy” / “wife” roles. The single mother knows what is best for her children and will not allow any man to get into her child’s life. The man who has been chosen by the single mom must consider himself lucky and very special. These men reach a level that is not reached by many. Single moms expressed that the way they love can be described in the same way they live their lives as single moms. They express their love in a smartly, sweetly, and fiercely manner.    

4. She knows how to love

Single mothers know how to love unconditionally, since they give love to their child like no other. The single mom is everything to the child has and this makes them love harder. This unconditional and selfless love makes her a better partner. The single mom has to provide her children with a happy environment and has to avoid all things that are likely to cause sadness. The love, nurturing capability, and patience have increased in depth because of her children. When the man is good to the single mom and her child, he is likely to have a loving and more supportive partner than they have ever had.

5. She is well-rounded

A single mom gets things done because she has been doing it on her own already. She can do almost anything and everything. She ensures that the child is taking healthy foods because she wants them to grow well and be free of diseases. This means that when you gain entry into this family, you are guaranteed of taking healthy foods daily, and you are likely to stop eating so much “junk foods”. The single mom is likely to ensure that the child is brought up in a healthy lifestyle. This includes taking part in exercises. The man who dates a single mom is likely to be involved in routine exercise. This helps makes the whole family healthy. The single moms are also enthusiastic and very hard working. They are regularly involved with making tough decisions, yet also know how to provide tender care.

6. She can roll with the punches

A single mom has dealt with a lot on her plate, and she is still dealing with it. She is likely to know the causes of depression and how to avoid them. She has already dealt with a broken marriage/relationship and raising the children on her own. Canceling a dinner plan may mean the whole world to a single woman, but this means nothing to a single mom who has a lot on her plate.


Dating a single mom is a good risk that men are advised to take some time. Single moms know how to give selfless and unconditional love, making them better partners. They are more rounded as they make firm decisions concerning their families. They are not afraid to give and show love as they know what they want in a relationship.   References https://www.glozine.com/lifestyle/relationships http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/12/you-should-date-a-single-mom_n_7563900.html http://www.eharmony.com/dating-advice/dating-advice-for-you/15-reasons-to-date-a-single-mom/#.VYv2S_mqqko https://www.consumerhealthdigest.com/female-sexual-health/ Featured photo credit: Why should date a single mother via shutterstock.com